Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Retiree Health Insurance Premium Deductible

Misha Collins and Zach Roerig;] Knicks City Dancers

Misha Collins - the Supernatural Castiel. I love it.

sent: letter, picture, sae, IRC
send: letter, 1 photo, sae, IRC
when / When: 11/02/2011
received: my picture signed and dedication in my sae
recived: my photo signed and personalized in my sae
when / When: 03/14/2011
address: plan Supernatural Supernatural set.

Zach Roerig - Matt from the "Vampire Diaries". I wrote to him in January. But the picture got corrupted, and this is not wanted - so I wrote him another letter. Annex 2 pics, but I got another - his own photo, duuuza signed and dedication:)


Zach Roerig - Matt from "The Vampire Diaries." I wrote to him in January, but my photo was damaged by the post. So I wrote to him again, and send him two photos, but he send me back his own photo - a big one, signed and personalized .

sent: letter, 2 photos, SASE
send: Letter, 2 photos, SASE
when / When: 02/11/2011
Received a signed photo and his dedication.
recived: his photo signed and personalized.
when / When: 03/15/2011
address: plan Vampire Diaries Vampire Diaries set.



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