Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beautiful Place In Dallas Texas


Kyemlich tare is already bustling about the hut, when the two branches began to drag their posłaniach.
-Praised be Jesus Christ-of Cosmas Damian disowned his father.
-On my sons forever, forever and ever! And I soon Get out of the barłogów, because I work every day for the bypass is enough.
-Well, and you could not do the job tomorrow, my father, because I now somehow I'm sluggish and I want to break-up says Damian.
Old Kyemlich Damian sent immediately to the severe look and say
-Do you know what today is the day?
-Nooo wonders ...- Damian scratching on the head and rolling her eyes-... Saturday!-Corresponds to the last.
-I, which means that it is not Sunday, and that you, me and your brother are Christians, it is not today, and tomorrow we will celebrate, because it required the holy orders.
Kosma had already come back from the pit, where he was the toilet to take a morning, and the old had been sliced \u200b\u200bbread and smoked bacon, which is now arranged on an earthenware plate.
-father, so I was thinking that it would be best if every day was Sunday, "said Damian, who also had already come back from outside the toilet.
-Synkuuu! I've a good mood today, I so do not spoil it to me, such dyrdymałami, because the head zdzielę, Jeno stars that you see and I'm sorry is for this reason, and even you probably do not to laugh, "said he Kyemlich looking askance at Damian.
-Father! I am more so for a laugh I said, than the parent is to tear down the nerves.
Old realizing that all people, have a milder tone says:
-So, anyway, it rests on a Sunday Christian, because that requires the Decalogue.
-YYYY, and what is the Ten Commandments-the same time asking the twins.
-Decalogue are 10 provisions that the good Lord God Almighty had commanded man to observe that this virtue and morality in life showed.
-Oooo!-Thunder brothers-To tell his father about the Decalogue something more.
-Good, good sons. The first of the commandments of God tells us that we must not believe in other gods besides the Lord our God Almighty.
-A are other gods?-Of Cosmas Damian asked.
-No, but people do not always remember-the responsible man.
-No, but I believe in God Almighty and the Virgin Mary, which the Lord Jesus Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit-Kosma speaks.
-And I'm the same way, "says Damian.
-Well, so is always be my sons-responsible father with a look of pride on his face, and this is the fact that the children demonstrated an adequate knowledge.
-second commandment says that it is not permitted to use the name of the Lord for no reason and do not scream "Oh God" or "oh Jesus" at any opportunity because it is a sin podług God.
-It's me I'll always shouting "about retyyy"-a serious mien says Damian.
-and-tells me too Kosma.
-The third commandment of the Lord tells us that it was a Sunday and no other day of the week we have a rest, a memorial that the Lord Himself and God rested on that day.
-The Lord God also works with a bypass, it must take a break?-Kosma asks.
-No. Lord God of the world and everything in the world and the sky made for 6 days, and on the seventh day after such work rested.
open mouths and astonished eyes of young Kyemliches, podpowiedziały old, he continued to better the commandments of God, and the creation of the world left to a separate lecture.
"So we must remember always that we rest on Sunday, and that this act all good Christians-added Kyemlich.
-will remember my father!-Disowned brothers.
-fourth my sons, that his mother and father must be respected-and at that point Kyemlich looked up and folding his hands pronounced-shine Lord of her soul.
-Shine lord her soul-zawtórowali brothers.
-Here you have my sons to know that your country-the Republic is also your mother and I like its own mother, so the fatherland love and respect you should be, until his death.
-Oh I love you I'm the father of my homeland. I love her. I love our bypass and the forest around. I love the lake and river. I love these golden fields of willow trees and beautiful on the way to the mill. I love when the bell in the church I love all the beats and what ever I meet them and I love the sky above us from the sun by day and stars at night and the silver moon I love it, what goes through the night sky, when no clouds.
Polish Ocean is love, com is to see them once, these golden carpets of sand stretching along the Baltic Sea and the plains of love, which is not it time we walked, our beautiful mountains and I love what they view takes your breath away in the chest and in the head makes noise like a vodka drink. Oh I love you all with all my heart! Acquired Kosma-ended.
-And I still feel like my father, "says Damian.
-Maybe you will not saints, but the fourth commandment, you have no need to explain more, "said with a smile on the face and with tears in his eyes old Kyemlich.
-Kosma, but thou it is said-and asks, "said Damian-Well, and what the fifth?
-Fifth my sons, the Lord says-we do not kill!
-Yyyh!-Brothers cried simultaneously.
-Right you have to be my sons and do not harm anyone, nor do not kill anyone.
-A Swedes?-Asks Damian.
-Swedes only when we invade their country and want to dominate wife.
-To as if its own mother wanted to hurt, "says Damian.
-I-corresponds to the old one.
podług God-So we have no sin for the fact that we, after many a Swede usiekali?-Kosma asks.
-not my sons, because we are defending the homeland steel.
-No one else is not, however, we kill, what else and what is in us and sin against the fifth commandment is not, is it your father?-Kosma asks.
-sons True, true.
a sixth-Well, what about the sixth commandment?-Damian asks curiously.
The sixth commandment-says-do not commit adultery.
-And what does it mean?-Ask the brothers together.
-That is, as we love one another which is a fair head, it will be the end of her life and faithful in the church that vows made before God will abide. It is also important, so that before the wedding in the church did not copulate with a woman, because it is a sin of adultery.
At this point, his face had turned purple Cosmas and each of the muscle can be distinguished, when he recalled the event when he caught the fish and when I recently met a younger daughter-Susanna miller.
-Kosma what you?-Asks anxiously looking at her son's father.
-Kosma!-Tearing screams brother Damian's arm, while the unconscious eyes looking somewhere ahead.
-No ... no, I'm fine, but only something like that, probably too hot in the cottage is-equivalent Cosimo, when he came to himself.
Old Kyemlich took note of the statement of Cosmas, but looked at him with strange eyes.
-you for a moment it looked as if you saw the devil on the stove-with a broad smile says Damian.
-Tell me father, what with the seventh commandment, for I am very curious, "said Cosmas, who are very concerned at this, in order to bring the conversation back on track for obvious reasons.
-Seventh, do not steal-announces Kyemlich looking attentive gaze of Cosmas, whose face had already take the normal appearance-I mean that's all that you can not take anything from anybody, which is not yours.
-O! And all these horses as we Swedes took, and of not only the horses?-asks Damian.
-You see, son, the Swedes, it was not a sin to take, because our homeland They wanted to hurt and we hurt for the tribute of war but from which they took, which in no case shall the Lord God as a sin, we can not read.
-Ahaaa!-Time brothers answered.

-you know what your father? "-Speaks to Damian-As you listen, I would think that after these seven commandments, which wymieniliście, we are without sin, did not Kosma?
face again pulled up in a strange grimace, but then he took a normal face for fear of his father. Old Kyemlich Fortunately at this time had returned to look elsewhere and could not see the benefit of Cosmas short change on his face, while finding the purity of his conscience.
-This may be because the righteousness of my life here knew and also the great temptation here is not, because Jeno wilderness forest all around, and entertainment that is like fish nałowić one of us sometimes succeeds-old Kyemlich interjects.
-Excuse me, but I need to go-he said Cosmas and fired like a shot from behind the table Looking out into the yard, slamming the door behind me, when he recalled what happened when he was the last time nałowić fish.
-guess-dywaguje sraczki got a serious voice, Damian.
-No możeee?-Old speaks, while he stood in the doorway of Cosimo, who is far from the outhouse was not for the need, but only after it that the nervousness before the watchful eye of his father to hide.
-Speak at the Eighth's father, for I am extremely curious about the threshold, "said Cosmas and just sit back at the table.
-Eighth my sons, it falsely against your neighbor speak, and do not falsely accuse him of anything you can not.
-I've never anything wrong at Cosmas I'm not saying, but sometimes it pokłócę-Damian says with a smile.
-I very well, but we also know is that your neighbor is every human being, because it's all people come from God.
-How are the Swedes, too?-Kosma asks.
-Swedes too-responsible man.
Young Kyemliches looked at each other, and Damian began scratching their heads trying to understand what you just heard.
-Normally, a Swede, or Netherlander, it is our neighbor, but when they are acting against the last of the ten commandments, then our neighbors, they have to cease.
-And what is the tenth commandment?-Asks Damian.
-Check first with the ninth, tenth and it will be time-old Kyemlich authoritatively suggests.
-Speak father, therefore, for the ninth-Kosma insists.
-Ninth Commandment my sons mile tells us that we can never covet thy neighbor's wife.
-That the Swede and Netherlander or not?-Asks Cosimo
-No, indeed not!-Responsible man.
-Even when the other against the tenth commandment there is, well, because the horse then you can take it, right?
-wife is not a horse! Kyemlich-old proclaims.
-A, or when you saw the Swede's wife on a horse during battle?-Asks for Cosmas Damian.
-No-no says Cosmas.
-Hush huncwoty both be explained by the first and ninth commandment to give these! Kiemlicz.-screamed-Tu the point is that it can never be any woman who has been her husband's desire, because it is a great sin, and there is nothing to do with whether a Pole, Netherlander whether the Swede.
-Well because it's not a horse woman -Damian yelled.
-Hah ha ha ha ha heard loud laughter in the room, and began to wipe the old Kyemlich tears, but this time I started crying with laughter.
-Well, of course, that no horse and is already established during our discourse was.
-I know it was fixed, but I was not sure if you remember, no because we have a horse-Damien continues. In
this time the old Kyemlich Damian popped his hand in the poll, which resembled the size of a loaf of bread, until the man almost in his face wyrżnął oak table at which sat the three of them.
-For what father?-Damien screams.
-Za durnotę your son, for durnotę!-Responsible father.
-Why, just kidding.
-A little something funny your joke to me, "replied the father gave to Damian, Cosmas while listening to everything and tried to answer for what his father in the head zdzielił brother.
-before once again someone is gonna get in your head, I would say that the last-tenth commandment tells us not to covet or any things that belong to a neighbor.
-Well, the Swedes can take the horses or not?-Kosma asks.
-tenth commandment against Swede occurred because our Polish land he wants to take, so in such circumstances, to take his horse, is a sin against the Seventh Commandment is, but when you see someone from abroad who is for peaceful purposes to the Polish arrived, it to him, steal a horse, is a sin and punishment from God expected for such an act must be taking old-ended at this point to hand the cup and making a long sip of sour milk.
-father, and for that sin, God the most punishment?-Asks Cosimo
-For all the same punishment, and therefore it is best not to sin-responsible man.
-A father tell me, what would have been done, so that God does not punish sin?-Kosma continues to the next question.
-happens Once a person to commit a sin, he must go to church and join the confession, but the most important thing is that that sin must be very, very sorry, because then it is only we can count on forgiveness, "said Kyemlich and looked at the faces of the children.

-Look at my sons, how long time we are wordy, and the work itself will not do-old said after a moment and added,-And whether it was a little bit of this com told you in the hollow of your heads?
-Oh was the father, has disowned parallel-twins.
-remember everything to the letter-added Damian.
-That's good, good sons-mile, I'm glad for it.
The Father, and if so your job as a school treat, and recognize that today we are already working, you are learning, and we are its knowledge and deep-thinking, asks Damian.
Kyemlich stared at the ceiling, giving the impression of deeply thoughtful and after a moment replied:
-Let it be my sons nice. Today we will not longer work, and rested on Monday we start a new week of classes starting.
-Well, maybe that we just broke something ...- and Damian.
-Co "as something"?-Kyemlich asks after trying to keep the stone face, but a little premonition of her son's intentions.
-Well, maybe by my spirits so that pokosztowali, which last week so we tasted-getting up the courage and asked Damian.
old martial donned a face looking at the faces of the children and says
-Kosma, and bring no fresh water from wells, because you'll use to bout.
-Ojcieeeeec! Cried joyfully-brothers.
Cosmas took kit went out to fetch water, while the old man pulled the shirt from the key and went towards the pantry.
Damian took up preparation of the table, who deploy to the clean cups and getting ready for all clean plate.
Kosma all the time thinking about what he heard from his father, a great sorrow for sin, as a condition of his forgiveness.
-to confession and confess to the priest what happened to me with Zuzanna, "said he whispers to himself, but does nothing he could have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to look sorry for what happened to Susan admitted.

Photos originate from the network.

Richard Ashcroft - "A Song of the lovers'


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