Friday, March 25, 2011

Jet Li Football Movies

washable?-Fishing Wine

Hi wiosennie all our guests!
Spring is such a time when everything in us comes back to life again, in the style of what is happening around us in this period.
I will not be revealing if it finds that it is the fairest of the seasons.
indeed survived Kosma spring adventure presented in the following episode was the series "Father of the wash?" When the fishing, the spring has suffered a truly beautiful experience with Zuzanna, although the share is set in the summer.

Kąpiąca się.jpg

(Pierre-Auguste Renoir-Bathing)

Osma boarded the boat and began to paddle, and after passing over a designated strip of coastal scrub, came boat to the right, but not distancing himself from the reeds, as the fog this morning reminded spilled milk in the area, and rightly concluded that coastal aquatic plants will be for him signpost to the place where he usually complains that the network, which ultimately enriches their diet, a brother and an old Kyemlich a nutritious fish in the lake which is missing.
boat drifted listening to the sounds of mgielnego morning.
silence disturbed only the gentle sound, caused falling water drops the oars at a time when they were raised above its surface. Holding brake came to the place where the shore is dominated by old pine trees, a signal that it is a fishing location, are ending up here cane, since it is at this point my mouth to the lake very small, but powerful stream. ; yellow sand applied by the pipeline, created at his fairly extensive shallow estuary falling for a considerable distance into the depths of the lake.
boat rope tied to the trunk of a tree overturned, Kosma took off pants, shirt and pants are the same into the water, which at this point he reached slightly above the knee. looked at the sky and saw that the fog began to thin and showed the fragments of a beautiful blue sky.
Under his arm he took pole for the spacing, the network, the network itself hung on the shoulder and slowly began to move in the direction opposite to the shore. After defeating a certain distance, where the water has already felt the same neck, began to hammer bat first, and after decided that he stands firmly in the water, fastened to the edge of the network. with the rest of the club managed to handle quickly.
When the network has already been properly secured, he returned to the boat, untied it and headed back along the shore to a place that was nearby, and who was very fond of this place because of its charming character.
easily spotted, he reached his goal, because the place where Cosimo waiting for fish in the network, it was overgrown cove beautiful water lilies.

Having achieved a measure of the bay, Kosma lay down on the bench in the boat, putting himself at the head rolled pants.
He looked at the sky, which was already clearly visible, and the same fog enveloped the space only about a meter above the water.
Satisfied that the network has already been dropped, he gave a blissful nap.
in the forest for good rozśpiewały the birds and the round could be heard flying insects, when Cosimo opened his eyes and began to realize that he is in his boat and that he expects the abundant content of the pre-spaced network.
-Praised be Jesus Christ, "said he to himself, considering that would be worth in a way how to welcome this beautiful morning.
lay still while staring the Housing clean blue sky.
When he raised his head slightly, then saw that surround him around the cane.
boat while you snooze, you just set itself adrift to shore.
Kosma, and while he was a yawning wildly, he fell suddenly to the bottom of the boat like struck by lightning.
whole started to shake like jelly, and after he crossed himself, his head slightly above the reeds, and saw staged a second time on the other side of the creek female figure, using the a morning swim in the lake.
Her bent figure caught sight Cosmas and he stood transfixed in the boat, and his face was adorned with wytrzeszcem rozziawem while he watched a young man.
girl suddenly sat up, refusing to back the beautiful locks of golden hair showing its face in which Cosimo immediately recognized the younger daughter of the miller.
nanosiła hands it refreshing water from the lake on your beautiful body.
Kosma When he saw her breasts, fell with a thump on the bottom of the boat, because at this point just fainted, and was with such a thud that nymph-like character is heard, and quickly founded his own body on the white linen, loose shirt, and soon afterwards went to the source of strange noises .
-Hey, you live cavalier? -Heard as if from beyond Cosmas and when he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful girl's face bent over him in the boat.
-I guess so, "replied not knowing what was happening to him.
girl at that time managed to take him under the arms and seat, not without effort on the bench.
Kosma hand rubbing the back of the head, in a place where it hurt after the collapse, he said to the girl:
-I-Kosma Kyemlich and continue massaging aching back of the head.
-I know, after all, I see you in church. I am Susan and I am the daughter of a miller.
-I know, after all, I see you in church-like echo Kosma said, not realizing that it sounded stupid.
-Can you take me podglądałeś during my bath?-asks Susan, who at this moment is to look at how wlepiony broad chest Cosmas.
Kosma at the moment on his face turned red as raspberry and again in his head began to spin and quickly replied:
-Not at all, I ... I ... I'm at the lake to catch fish and ... i. .. I fell asleep in the boat, and ... and when I woke up and I got it ... I saw it on the edge of your character i. .. i. .. i. .. it's nothing more I can not remember how until I Woke . I had probably fall asleep again.
Susan looked fondly at chorionic eyes and sighed deeply.
-How do you want, I can help you in retrieving the network.
-Zuzanno Thanks, I truly must-equivalent Kosma, wondering how he składne such words come to mind.
-Wait, I'll be back only on the shore, to take your shopping cart. Well, maybe you go with me?
-Yes ... yes, I'll go with you.
both jumped from the boat and went to the bank the place where Susan is already bathed.
Kosma only now realized that Susan is dressed only in a long linen shirt, and he is only in your pants parades.
felt a flock of butterflies in the belly, and soon he realized that this time of such phenomena will not speak of his father and then rubbed his head, recalling the incident with the pitcher broken by an old Kyemlich his head.
powiewnym When she moved a step before him, he followed the lumber for the girl, admiring the back of her wonderful figure with long, beautiful hair that were now plaited into beautiful braid.
-I am here for the bread with butter and some milk, you want to eat?
Kosma nodded his head in affirmation, staring eyes-hot in the beautiful face Susan.
Two bites managed to handle the substantial slice of bread with butter, he quickly drank milk from the jug, while not taking even a moment of vision of the girl's face.
-I have two apples, you want one?-Asks Susan.
-Later-Kosma screamed and jumped leap into the lake. Swam to the place where the water rose a great white water lily and began to pluck.
Once out of the water, had them in the hands of seven, maybe nine pieces and hung from all the long stalks, which Kosma protect against contamination in the sand, raising his arm above his head with flowers.
When I went up to Susan, her neck oplótł lily stems in such a way that all the flowers hung on the breasts girl.
sat down at the same time on the grass and when I looked at each other's eyes, Susan sank his hand into a thick shag Cosmas touching his temples.
-God, do not take me now-consciousness was praying in my mind Kosma.
both feeling each other in the arms of her scent, lay on the grass.
-I am so beautiful, Kosma-whispered into the ear Susan-I can not tell what happened with me ...
entered Kosma to the Board of portkami in hand.
His hair was unkept, and his eye was completely unconscious.
Damian with the old Kyemlich looked at him as a ghost, then looked at one another.
-Where the network, where the fish?-Old Kyemlich asks.
only now begun to speak to the reality of Cosmas.
-O Wow!-Screamed and quickly ran out of the hut, going over the lake, where he happened to forget all about God's world.
-It was not a dream!-Roared Cosimo, when he boarded the boat, to go after the network full of fish.

(Sad Clown)

Plik:Claude Monet - Waterlilies (Rome).jpg

(Claude Monet Water-Lilies)

Photographs from the network.


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