Monday, December 15, 2008

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35 shortcuts for photoshop.

sometimes we're controlling during during this photoshop ..
we often play with the tools imaginable akn .. we usually use the mouse to activate the tool trsebut dy .. here there are 35 shortcut key to be used to facilitate and expedite the process of modifying an image .. slmt try ..

1. F (cycle screen mode)-change from normal mode to the mode screen
preponderance and fulfill your monitor screen.
press "F" kpd kmbli skali lg to normal screen mode.

2. x (color change), change the foreground color background .. kpd bergitu also sbliknye ..
tkan nenerapa Untk see pernezaan

3. D - Blik reset foreground and background colors and white .. kpd htam

4 - Ctrl + " + '- to zoom in. ..

5. ( ctrl) + ( - )-to zoom out ..

6. Alt + mouse scroll -way nk dial zoom in and zoom out ..

7. Ctrl + Alt + Z - this shortcut to retreat into blkng brkli .. jka-edit icon blaku kslpan,
Ctrl tp bleh to not only undo skli. .

8. Ctrl + S save-this remedy ..

9. ctrl + Alt + shift + N - nk if Leh GNE Bru layer tmbh this key ..

10. Shift + click the Mask Common when using a mask-it-nye make little difference.
gna right shortcut you can see the difference this Untk drpada gmbr ASL ..

11. Crtl + J -duplicate layer ..

12. Ctrl + H -line selection for the manufacture ..

13. Ctrl + G - key is bleh Untk clicking "group" who kn dpilih layer ..

14. Ctrl + T - if nk mengaktifkn free transform mode is bleh gne,

15. B-to mengaktifkn brush ..

16. -C to activate the crop tool ..

17. E- to activate eraser..

18. G -untuk mengaktifkan gradient tool..

19. H -untuk mengaktifkan hand tool..

20. i -untuk mengaktifkan colour sample tool..

21. j -untuk mengaktifkan healing brush tool..

22. k -untuk mengaktifkan slice tool..

23. L -untuk mengaktifkan lasso tool..

24. M -untuk mengaktifkan marquee tool..

25. N -untuk mengaktifkan note tool..

26. o -untuk mengaktifkan dodge tool..

27. p -untuk mengaktifkan pen tool..

28. Q -untuk activate the Quick Mask mode ..

29. -R to activate the smudge tool ..

30. s -to activate the clone stamp tool ..

31. -T to activate the text ..

32. U -rounded and to activate the Rectangle tool ..

33. -w to turn magic wand tool ..

34. -y to activate the history brush tool ..

35. Z to activate the zoom-tool ..


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