Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Excessive Mucus 1 Week Before Period

10 useful tips for beginners

ak kat here there are 10 tips to a new nerguna who want nerjinak
-tame with photoshop ..

1. move the layer by pressing Ctrl
without having to activate the move tool to move the layer.
easy tkan Ctrl (Posted lpas) click and drag the image layer
or did you move the mouse ..

2. eliminate pallete by pressing Tab.

when guessing the tab will then disappear .. .. pellete
tkan once lg .. pellete will then re-emerge ...

3. select smua layer or need to select several layers in layet
pallete ..

you need tkan Ctrl button (Posted last)
click plihan layer of your layer pallete ..

4. Double click open Untk decument ..

to clicking "open document" you you do not need to go to file>> open ..
ape who have to do double click CMA kt gray background photoshop Posted 2 ..

5. one "drag" layer to another document ..

you can copy the layer of the document to the document Stu else ..
with pd layer hanye click reply to the "copy" and "drag" right to document that you want to pastekan ..

6. one "group" layer n. ..

This function is useful if you use layer byk ..
ape do you need to click pd lyer who do you want ..
as an example .. tkan your button l. Ctr. and select a few layers ..
then completed select .. jgn ago LG Cntrl button .. then TKN G. Button. Easy does not it?

7. if you work with a large image ..

if they need a large space .. you should tkan hanye F button ..
size Untk windows photoshop .. tkan will then change a few times to see the difference ..

8. accurately control the layer kedudukn ..

ape that you need to do hanye tkan and Ctrl button left button right up or down to move the layer ..
layer will then move stiap 1px .. jka you mnekan btang shift is similar to the method and
td .. pegerakannye move stiap 1 0 px ..

9. choosing colors fast ..

tkan ... and click the button I pd sought compensatory foreground color .. TKN
Alt button and Click kt plihan color for the background .. soon ..
tkan btang X Untk change between foreground and background ..

10. a straight line ..

if you want to make a straight line .. with an angle of 45 degrees, 90 garjah
and sebagainye ..
hanye you need tkan shift button (Posted lpas) and the line who are required to wat ..
this method works for the Paintbrush Tool, Line Tool and Move Tool ..

jka no msalah tanye la leh leh .. ak kal0 tlng tlng ak .. korang leh smoga
trying to jayanye ..


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