Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tiffany Granath Mooshie

50 best widget for your blog

Widgets are a great way to improve
and uniqueness to your blog. Whether you want to bag
i shows live traffic indicates a link to your blog or your visitors
which has been connected to
your website, you will be able to do it with widgets.
recently trjumpa a list of 50 add-on blog
quite useful for sharing with you.
Much of this can be used
widget2 pd WordPress and Blogger, this is not a problem
jka Mn2 platform you used.

you will see your widget senarai2
yg mn need only select one who consented to be placed in the heart
to your blog. I advise
Posted didlm put too many widgets to your blog. This will then lead
your blog will then become fibrous and
misleading and cause your blog plwat
without embarrassment hesitate to leave your blog.

Visit Mashable article 50 Great Widgets and
bg tau la yg sy mn jd jka your favorite hobby and do not mind ..=)


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