Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Colorado Emt-b Training Accelerated

Gallery: magic hat

is near 2 days I was not there a new post .. nak pi louder there busy here la la .. in the busy-busy ni .. I had a chance She took wat one tutorial ni ... ak try to make a tutorial .. Abduzeedo tutorials .. I'm not interested because of the ni .. ak therefore learning many kinds which can not make light .. nk glowing ... lg pound ak ni think it new again .. tu la kat above results can ak .. from the tutorials that follow walaupon ak can not sejibik Leh la .. tp ... tp ak actually no longer satisfied with the result that the liver can ak .. some kind of less jerk ..
anything ak pound will increase if there is baikkan .. sape nk nk bg .. tgur to backup to a curse .. to the (hopefully not la heeheehee ..) la leh bg comment ye ...


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