Saturday, December 20, 2008

Colyte How Long Before You Go

tutorial: abstract colorful

is the first tutorial for the reply ak ak Untk blog post this ...
in ak tutorial will then show how to create abstract images Posted multicolor white people .. Klau colourful talk ... .. how very easy .. not dizzy head .. just follow the step by step .. pastu korang leh must hafalnye sbb happy jerk ..


first skali .. open new document the size of their hearts go ..
ak * 500px to 500 px ...

tu pas ... p kt menu filter>> render>> clouds .. and Korang akn to spt gmbr below ..

sekarng ok go ni kt menu filter> pixelate>> menzz otine .. and setkn to short strokes ..
and Korang akn can spt yg kat gmbar under 2 ..

step plaque Korang ni kne p kat filter>> blur>> radial blur .. and setkn amount to 100, blur method to zoom and quality to the best ..
and can spt gmbr dbawah akn ..


times korang ni kan have to twist the image na .. do .. went kat Filter> Distort>> twirl for twirl .. when windows is already out ..
set the angel .... korang ape-ape pon angel can be .. for this tutorial ak set to 85 angel .. and the image will then change like below the na ..

then Duplicate the background layer and name the image .. 1 ..
then select the image first .. then p Filter>> Distort>> twirl ..
change angel ak .. tkar to -105 .. and set the blending mode kpd .. and will lighten dapt like below the image ..

STEP 7 is also the same step such as step 6. . Duplicate the image and name imej2 1 .. .. go to fulter>> Distort>> twirl .. change .. ak tkar angel angel kepda -607 .. and setkn blending mode lighten kepda .. like the image that will appear below the ..


at this stage .. let's coloring is perigkat .. heehee .. simple ..
select in one layer .. and go to image>> adjustments> hue / saturation ..
tick colorize kn ak .. start by painting the background .. ak will then tunjukkn through below the image ..

select ikt backgrond layer and step 8 .. .. .. hasilnye like below the

select images .. do like step 1 above ..

last skali 2 ... same image like the above .. and ready ...

subdued .... good luck ... this is the other the example sertakn ak ak .. if there was a problem ape2 bg tau kt comment space ..


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