Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Backgrounds For Computer Ohio State

gallery: typography

Ni merupakkan results I did from a tutorial from Abduzidoo .. .. typograhphy call it the way a bit easier .. I do that simple .. tp ok la ... walopon not as good as there are with the results .. lagipon ak .. jd baru2 blajar lagikan sikit2 xpe la .. la .. pon jd

hmm ... ak da ni nk rise of new sem ... xdpt la nk update blog ni always .. tp ak pa ... as long as there is no desire there is a way .. tonight .. want to move adui Blik! ! malasnye .....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Colorado Emt-b Training Accelerated

Gallery: magic hat

is near 2 days I was not there a new post .. nak pi louder there busy here la la .. in the busy-busy ni .. I had a chance She took wat one tutorial ni ... ak try to make a tutorial .. Abduzeedo tutorials .. I'm not interested because of the ni .. ak therefore learning many kinds which can not make light .. nk glowing ... lg pound ak ni think it new again .. tu la kat above results can ak .. from the tutorials that follow walaupon ak can not sejibik Leh la .. tp ... tp ak actually no longer satisfied with the result that the liver can ak .. some kind of less jerk ..
anything ak pound will increase if there is baikkan .. sape nk nk bg .. tgur to backup to a curse .. to the (hopefully not la heeheehee ..) la leh bg comment ye ...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Colyte How Long Before You Go

tutorial: abstract colorful

is the first tutorial for the reply ak ak Untk blog post this ...
in ak tutorial will then show how to create abstract images Posted multicolor white people .. Klau colourful talk ... .. how very easy .. not dizzy head .. just follow the step by step .. pastu korang leh must hafalnye sbb happy jerk ..


first skali .. open new document the size of their hearts go ..
ak * 500px to 500 px ...

tu pas ... p kt menu filter>> render>> clouds .. and Korang akn to spt gmbr below ..

sekarng ok go ni kt menu filter> pixelate>> menzz otine .. and setkn to short strokes ..
and Korang akn can spt yg kat gmbar under 2 ..

step plaque Korang ni kne p kat filter>> blur>> radial blur .. and setkn amount to 100, blur method to zoom and quality to the best ..
and can spt gmbr dbawah akn ..


times korang ni kan have to twist the image na .. do .. went kat Filter> Distort>> twirl for twirl .. when windows is already out ..
set the angel .... korang ape-ape pon angel can be .. for this tutorial ak set to 85 angel .. and the image will then change like below the na ..

then Duplicate the background layer and name the image .. 1 ..
then select the image first .. then p Filter>> Distort>> twirl ..
change angel ak .. tkar to -105 .. and set the blending mode kpd .. and will lighten dapt like below the image ..

STEP 7 is also the same step such as step 6. . Duplicate the image and name imej2 1 .. .. go to fulter>> Distort>> twirl .. change .. ak tkar angel angel kepda -607 .. and setkn blending mode lighten kepda .. like the image that will appear below the ..


at this stage .. let's coloring is perigkat .. heehee .. simple ..
select in one layer .. and go to image>> adjustments> hue / saturation ..
tick colorize kn ak .. start by painting the background .. ak will then tunjukkn through below the image ..

select ikt backgrond layer and step 8 .. .. .. hasilnye like below the

select images .. do like step 1 above ..

last skali 2 ... same image like the above .. and ready ...

subdued .... good luck ... this is the other the example sertakn ak ak .. if there was a problem ape2 bg tau kt comment space ..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Excessive Mucus 1 Week Before Period

10 useful tips for beginners

ak kat here there are 10 tips to a new nerguna who want nerjinak
-tame with photoshop ..

1. move the layer by pressing Ctrl
without having to activate the move tool to move the layer.
easy tkan Ctrl (Posted lpas) click and drag the image layer
or did you move the mouse ..

2. eliminate pallete by pressing Tab.

when guessing the tab will then disappear .. .. pellete
tkan once lg .. pellete will then re-emerge ...

3. select smua layer or need to select several layers in layet
pallete ..

you need tkan Ctrl button (Posted last)
click plihan layer of your layer pallete ..

4. Double click open Untk decument ..

to clicking "open document" you you do not need to go to file>> open ..
ape who have to do double click CMA kt gray background photoshop Posted 2 ..

5. one "drag" layer to another document ..

you can copy the layer of the document to the document Stu else ..
with pd layer hanye click reply to the "copy" and "drag" right to document that you want to pastekan ..

6. one "group" layer n. ..

This function is useful if you use layer byk ..
ape do you need to click pd lyer who do you want ..
as an example .. tkan your button l. Ctr. and select a few layers ..
then completed select .. jgn ago LG Cntrl button .. then TKN G. Button. Easy does not it?

7. if you work with a large image ..

if they need a large space .. you should tkan hanye F button ..
size Untk windows photoshop .. tkan will then change a few times to see the difference ..

8. accurately control the layer kedudukn ..

ape that you need to do hanye tkan and Ctrl button left button right up or down to move the layer ..
layer will then move stiap 1px .. jka you mnekan btang shift is similar to the method and
td .. pegerakannye move stiap 1 0 px ..

9. choosing colors fast ..

tkan ... and click the button I pd sought compensatory foreground color .. TKN
Alt button and Click kt plihan color for the background .. soon ..
tkan btang X Untk change between foreground and background ..

10. a straight line ..

if you want to make a straight line .. with an angle of 45 degrees, 90 garjah
and sebagainye ..
hanye you need tkan shift button (Posted lpas) and the line who are required to wat ..
this method works for the Paintbrush Tool, Line Tool and Move Tool ..

jka no msalah tanye la leh leh .. ak kal0 tlng tlng ak .. korang leh smoga
trying to jayanye ..

Tawneestone Wikipedia

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2

adobe Light room is a software designed by Adobe
who manufacture ..
if you have a collection of pictures yg byk
or you are a photographer ..

sy think this is the appropriate software yg pling ..
because it sgt .. user friendly easy to manage
gambar2 reply quickly .. take ..
you can do simple edits using Adobe Lightroom
like this .. .. adjust the color tone
pngawalan light effect .. .. add color image sharpening lg byk lg .. and .. Mahukan
if you download this software ... click below ..

Denise Milani Wikipadia

GIMP alternative to photoshop ..

At present who is not knal with adobe photoshop ..
adobe illustrator .. this is the software used yg byk
by pkar-graphics expert ..

tp a problem with photoshop ni ..
to buy the horse's mouth trsgt expensive la .. hehe .. .. bribu riban
brunk tp kalo yg ni .. sy blajar2 MCM
pkai who pirate pound Leh beginning .. la .. bg
tp sy no alternative other than photoshop .. psss .. kalo nk yg free kt photoshop here ..
most best free bende ni .. .. xperlu BYR ape2 Tp die
punye less power lbih photoshop ..
ni brnama software GIMP (GNU image manipulation program) ..

ni GIMP is open source ... pd mulaye ..
ni hanye GIMP for Linux users .. .. Tp dah current
there for windows users shellac .. Sy
pound Tgh bljr to open source ni ..
and may dptkan GIMP here ... HERE

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where Can I Read Soul Eater Doujinshi Online Free

35 shortcuts for photoshop.

sometimes we're controlling during during this photoshop ..
we often play with the tools imaginable akn .. we usually use the mouse to activate the tool trsebut dy .. here there are 35 shortcut key to be used to facilitate and expedite the process of modifying an image .. slmt try ..

1. F (cycle screen mode)-change from normal mode to the mode screen
preponderance and fulfill your monitor screen.
press "F" kpd kmbli skali lg to normal screen mode.

2. x (color change), change the foreground color background .. kpd bergitu also sbliknye ..
tkan nenerapa Untk see pernezaan

3. D - Blik reset foreground and background colors and white .. kpd htam

4 - Ctrl + " + '- to zoom in. ..

5. ( ctrl) + ( - )-to zoom out ..

6. Alt + mouse scroll -way nk dial zoom in and zoom out ..

7. Ctrl + Alt + Z - this shortcut to retreat into blkng brkli .. jka-edit icon blaku kslpan,
Ctrl tp bleh to not only undo skli. .

8. Ctrl + S save-this remedy ..

9. ctrl + Alt + shift + N - nk if Leh GNE Bru layer tmbh this key ..

10. Shift + click the Mask Common when using a mask-it-nye make little difference.
gna right shortcut you can see the difference this Untk drpada gmbr ASL ..

11. Crtl + J -duplicate layer ..

12. Ctrl + H -line selection for the manufacture ..

13. Ctrl + G - key is bleh Untk clicking "group" who kn dpilih layer ..

14. Ctrl + T - if nk mengaktifkn free transform mode is bleh gne,

15. B-to mengaktifkn brush ..

16. -C to activate the crop tool ..

17. E- to activate eraser..

18. G -untuk mengaktifkan gradient tool..

19. H -untuk mengaktifkan hand tool..

20. i -untuk mengaktifkan colour sample tool..

21. j -untuk mengaktifkan healing brush tool..

22. k -untuk mengaktifkan slice tool..

23. L -untuk mengaktifkan lasso tool..

24. M -untuk mengaktifkan marquee tool..

25. N -untuk mengaktifkan note tool..

26. o -untuk mengaktifkan dodge tool..

27. p -untuk mengaktifkan pen tool..

28. Q -untuk activate the Quick Mask mode ..

29. -R to activate the smudge tool ..

30. s -to activate the clone stamp tool ..

31. -T to activate the text ..

32. U -rounded and to activate the Rectangle tool ..

33. -w to turn magic wand tool ..

34. -y to activate the history brush tool ..

35. Z to activate the zoom-tool ..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wiper Motor And Estimated Cost

Box Shot 3D (Portable)

Box Shot 3D is a portable software lets you reply to them ecover
your own! The salient features of the Box Shot 3D are:

Raytracing Raytracing allows creation of
photorealistic images and shadows. Box Shot 3D count the millions of light rays from the light source to the object. It will then produce realistic object yg sgt. Raytracing is usually used for special effects in films. Box Shot 3D allows you to use technology to create e-cover box!

Realistic Shadows The use of raytracing leads to
"realistic" shadows. Box Shot 3D calculates the total amount of light rays for each pixel in your image. Box Shot 3D also calculate dr light the sky. It makes the images more realistic .

Antialiasing Box Shot 3D uses many tricks for fast and efficient antialiasing. You will not see any offensive or pixilated edges again. Everything goes smoothly and is very realistic.

Reflections You can totally dominate the box reflection, transparency and depth of the floor and adjust dr with sliders to see result in realtime.

Transparent background If you want to project the image complex, you can easily mnghasilkn your images with transparent backgrounds (PNG format) to use your favorite graphics editor. You can also select a solid background color as well.

Different shapes Box Shot 3D contains
many different forms that can be used like a box, the box for the DVD and CD, screenshots, books with soft and hard covers or set of books. select sj shape you want, insert images that you click plih and only skali dpt ecover sdah SHJ you that you hendaki, sgt easy!

Quality Quality control will cause the image to be adjusted. If you want to see hasilnye with CPT, a set of "Quality" is to choose a small image results. If you need a good result, select the result of a large image to fruition in the will.

Easy to use

Yes. Box Shot 3D is one of the simplest applications of its kind. It is easy to "step by step "makes no provision tab easily understood.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tiffany Granath Mooshie

50 best widget for your blog

Widgets are a great way to improve
and uniqueness to your blog. Whether you want to bag
i shows live traffic indicates a link to your blog or your visitors
which has been connected to
your website, you will be able to do it with widgets.
recently trjumpa a list of 50 add-on blog
quite useful for sharing with you.
Much of this can be used
widget2 pd WordPress and Blogger, this is not a problem
jka Mn2 platform you used.

you will see your widget senarai2
yg mn need only select one who consented to be placed in the heart
to your blog. I advise
Posted didlm put too many widgets to your blog. This will then lead
your blog will then become fibrous and
misleading and cause your blog plwat
without embarrassment hesitate to leave your blog.

Visit Mashable article 50 Great Widgets and
bg tau la yg sy mn jd jka your favorite hobby and do not mind ..=)

How Many Electric Cars Were Sold Usin

Adobe Photoshop CS3 (50MB) xperlu install .. Who

Adobe Photoshop CS3 full edition ....
xperlu to install ... Size is only 50Mb ... easy ... jmat hardisc space ..

reply you need to do ... it
extract the zip file to .. C: / Program Files / Adobe Photoshop

kmudian create shortcut to a file to the desktop ... photoshop.exe easy and fun ..
qualities together with a distinguished install xkurang .. .. .. ak brfungsi good brother "pkai pound jerk yg ni ...


Monday, December 8, 2008

3d View Apartment Software

ak ..

Assalamualikum ... smua ...

akhirnye blogs exist ak .. not this .. walopon trgrak hti blog free jerk ..: P this
pounds ok la .. no provision NNT wear brbayar He distinguished plaque .. amen ..
ape2 pound thing nk ak ak dlu introduce myself ..

name ... call me shalihudin Zainudin aleh ... eldest dr 3 adikbrdk .. Kra
ak ak ni sorg hero He follows llki jerk .. Ak
lhir April 9 pd 1988 ... ank kpd first pasangn bhgia
en. Zainudin Sabran and pn. GIRL ashes ... Cf gmbr
Poyo gle ni la ak ... kui3x ..

brasal dr ak Bkt Felda Johor Kulai Besar .. ..
studying in SMK Sultan allaudin (2001-2003)
form 4 kt SMT Kluang (2004-2005) ..
pas2 msuk NS son of a first call-girls camp kt mlaka ..
sdkit ... It all about dri ak ..
bljr2 ak bru nk jd gak .. ak seorg bloggers who hope sape2
crdik Pandi dlm ni .. brblog block ins Bg la ajr
instructions and tguran pd bljr ak ni yg bru ..

goals I created this blog to enliven the industry again this blog
in malaysia .. I'm interested in art
Graph Jd blog ni .. ak will berkonsepkan
graph tp ak xda la very great .. I'll give
adobe photoshop tutorials in the Malay language , apart from adobe photoshop tutorial I will also adobe Bery Illustrator, Gimp and if there are other software that can make graph for pound I akn cuba ..

ksian receive ksh ..:)