Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why Would My Dog Drag His Hind Legs

May - 3 outstanding:)

first Colin Firth.

sent: letter, SASE, 2 pics
sent: Letter, SASE, 2 photos
when / When: 09/05/2011
Received my 2 pics signed and dedication, in my SASE.
recived: my two photos signed and personalized in my SASE.
when / When: 18/05/2011
Address: Fanmail.

second Emily Deschanell.

sent: letter, SASE, 2 pics
sent: Letter, SASE, 2 photos
when / When: 03/23/2011
Received my 2 pics unsigned but also a picture of pp, in my SASE.
recived: my 2 photos unsigned in my SASE, and her photo and pp.
when / When: 05/19/2011
address: Fanmail, "Bones" set.

third Dana Delany.

sent: letter, SASE, 3 photos
Sent: Letter, SASE, 3 photos
when / When: 09/05/2011
Received my 3 pictures signed and dedication, in my SASE.
recived: my 3 photos signed and personalized in my SASE.
when / When: 05/24/2011
address: Fanmail.

RTS and got one - from Joshua Jackson, from the series "Fringe." I wrote the plan, so I do not know why - but I'll try for a while again.
sorry for the lack of new entries lately, but I had no kompa.
Just keep up the opportunity today:)



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