Sunday, April 3, 2011

How To Get Pokemon Leaf Green On The Mac

morning walk

zachłysnąć Today also went in the spring,
who already sings aloud a note przeradosną.
How many can be seen in the morning song,
you hear is around more, more and more.

willow next to the bridge so graciously inclined,
green sprinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe branches of the veil.
Glimmer brisk, cheerful, flowing from the sun,
Harc shining on the water is carrying out frivolously.

Litter in a grove, a green carpet surgeon,
beautiful color of the flowers here and there przystrojonym.
There daffodil and anemones, white flower here,
whose names I do not know, because I know I do not need.

Chestnut also tells of waking up to the buds,
and who look at me and the meadow.
are probably the greatest in the spring a paradise,
among all the other spring in a grove of whispering.

The daisy flower meadow has shot
and equal hundreds taught me to count.
Oh, bee sits there and czmychnęła spryciula.
I do not know for another flower, and maybe to the hive?

I came down to the path he walked in the holy *,
during his journey to the islands przeuroczych.
Brooks in that place the story of a beautiful spins
about the man at the other extreme love.

How many joys that spring morning?
And how many are in love słonku this morning?
piosnki answer is sung by birds,
which carries echoes of the hill and valley.

time already on the way back to the house to go,
a quarter past eleven to hear the bell,
who reverently and voiced at that time all the news
that in addition to spring is, and biblical content.

Well, I'd forgotten in all this hurry,
a friend of a word to say what a smile
she is flowery in my window knock.
Cherry-her name, how nice to hear it.

(Sad Clown)

* Holy I mentioned, is a figure of the Holy Cuthbert'a, which I described in one of its entries.
If anyone wishes to get acquainted with the silhouette and the history of this great form to invite here: Expedition Island Holly

Here I present the experience of today's walk.
greet all visitors a warm welcome.

(willow switches with beautiful leaves near the bridge)

(green carpet in the grove)

(Daffodils by the stream)

(names I do not know, but it is beautiful)

(After my anemone is the white colleague in the background)

(abacus counting to one hundred only)

(Pak chestnut )

(beautiful meadow of daisies, of which there may not be seen, but I assure you that they are, and one of them appears in the photograph above)

(The hill on the right running path that church. Cuthbert followed at Holly Island)

(Flower cherry trees behind the window)

DEEP FOREST -Sweet Lullaby


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