Monday, September 20, 2010

Voice For Bounty Commercials

Banda de Ipanema

They are not eight o'clock, and Vieira Souto overflows.
Appearing in corners, empuleirada on poles and buildings, honking of cars and each other, shouting in several languages, women in all levels of the term.
As if the only explanation for the crowd that float around there was a Darwinian evolution. In a few minutes. From a monera abandoning its scales and gills and out of the sea, riding with fur, tail and nose, until you reach the edge of the legs, skin, stroll hairy, bronze, wigs, horns, clogs. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. And salivating
corners urine brought from all over the world.
It is as if the revelers were just colors filled with people.
not causing a fuss being caused by noise. These seagrass beds
the lost land of Atlantis which begin to ferment in the public square. Fish
pilot shark invisible, paraded in D flat. Semen
Blowing in the womb Chrome. High Tide in


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