Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Muc Hmoney For A Desert Eagle

School Spanish vanguard

Monday, September 20, 2010

Voice For Bounty Commercials

Banda de Ipanema

They are not eight o'clock, and Vieira Souto overflows.
Appearing in corners, empuleirada on poles and buildings, honking of cars and each other, shouting in several languages, women in all levels of the term.
As if the only explanation for the crowd that float around there was a Darwinian evolution. In a few minutes. From a monera abandoning its scales and gills and out of the sea, riding with fur, tail and nose, until you reach the edge of the legs, skin, stroll hairy, bronze, wigs, horns, clogs. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. And salivating
corners urine brought from all over the world.
It is as if the revelers were just colors filled with people.
not causing a fuss being caused by noise. These seagrass beds
the lost land of Atlantis which begin to ferment in the public square. Fish
pilot shark invisible, paraded in D flat. Semen
Blowing in the womb Chrome. High Tide in

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lower Stomach Hurts When Pressed

Not to say that I did not say Dawn

Doctor with books of dermatology at the bottom, explaining things to me with strange words. Smiling at me, but I realize that in her smile there is something wrong, something that seems out of place. Although I know little, I know doctors. Doctors in general. And I know how they react, the whole time they open in front of me, envelopes with my body inside.
I'm smiling too, but why can not I download my mask of calm and patience and show my real distress. I try to ask the doctor if the chances I die at 50 or 60 are great, but just can not! I would not know. He gives me some explanations that are relatively soothing, but with a perfume a bad omen. Basically, it tells me what I'm not serious. But he can come back. For all, he says, can come back. It is a day
semi-wet, with the breath of the late summer heat being dissipated by the cool breeze of early autumn. I go down to the lobby of the hospital Menino Deus, undecided whether to be relieved or not, and as the drizzle starts just when the automatic door closes behind me, I decided to take a taxi in José de Alencar. I wonder if the taxi driver pro money that I have leads me to my house and he makes me sign to enter. It's nice to see the wind of drizzle combing the canopy of the Navy, and then I recline in the back seat of the taxi, leaving droplets that enter the crack in the window dripping on me.
know what is worse? I know that many will respond "fear of dying." Of course not! That would be very exaggerated. After all, I'm only 30 years. And besides, it's nothing so serious. Nothing that an operating table and a scalpel not resolved. "Fear of knife, then, would be the second option. But neither is this. Did removal of an appendix operation at age 12. General anesthesia. The doctor missed one milliliter dose and nearly died. When my mother told me, after I wake up and cry after her, I just found it funny how even liked. From that day forward, had a history of male to impress my colleagues.
The worst thing is the sense of "small defect found in the system." I am no longer young and come from a family where people generally have a bull's health. But of course, with age, problems start to appear from nowhere, and I have smoked for many years, well, then it is up to a miracle that I only have "mild signs of mucus in the nasal cavity." Devo raise your hands to the sky. But still, when the doctor told me that it was necessary to take, because in many years it could grow into a tumor, I did not feel any better. I did not feel any better to know that from now on, I'll have to worry about taking parts of me so I can continue long.
The Internet has many forums talking about the lentiginous junctional melanocytic nevus. I know these forums can not be taken into confidence. Because it falls on the network has dubious provenance, in most cases. But almost all participants are doctors or medical students, and they are all unanimous in defining melanocytic nevus junctional lentiginous like a fucking pint. A sign in the epidermis, which appears, disappears and reappears from time to time. Also according to them all, such a nevus is benign (say I love reading and rereading the forums many times. "Benign," "benign," rewrite "benign" in all styles, from Renaissance to Impressionist, Cubist to! ), and then comes a euphoria not felt since last week (because both my euphoria and my depression last on average a week, and that's all I live, depression and euphoria) and I put music, open the blinds and smile (write me smiling, styles Renaissance to Cubist. Impressionist styles of the abstract!). In
chair where I sit, my whole body feels so one, but try to find him some sign. Or an internal pain. That point me defective. Just as is done with machines or dogs, but now I am. It's me! Almost think I want to find the defect, so you can at least get rid of the curse of the doubt. Suddenly all the pain I was feeling all week, before the verdict doctor, disappear, and I look in the mirror as if I were a painting. Beautiful, immortal, solidified. As if the mirror was a door to escape where my colors, which become ghost, forever.
After a while dancing the music on this day we do not know if it's cold or hot, I end up sleeping because I had insomnia the night before. I could not sleep, thinking what would happen in the medical encounter. And now I sleep and miss my work and college, because I deserve it.
The next day, however, I wake up, and the dinosaur was still there. Cold, cold, in the middle of my stomach. Or leftover morning of my nightmares. Huge, scary. And he will say "no good, my dear. One day you will die! One day, everyone will! Now it's just a pint, tomorrow ... who knows! Even if it's your own old age, your own stop working. And then this last hour, how will you behave? You gonna run to? Will you shake? Not good! No way! "
So I close my eyes again and try to think of something beautiful. Think of women. Women I met, I will think of sex I had with them. I think the time, Nelson and Elisa jumped in the pack of Excravos of Maua in 2004, the best of my carnival, when I think of the Julian and Fabian entered the cinema, UFRGS, surreptitiously, without pay, and smoked a joint in back row, and when I think of Thaise fucked in my mom's car, near the Cathedral, on a cold winter morning, and then I met her and kissed Bibiana first on the dance floor of the Yellow House, without even exchanging a word with her, dancing and just coming up, think of all the times I went through Botafogo bay on a sunny day, bus, or when I walked Silvestre to the Dona Marta Belvedere, so I stopped and saw that spectacular view, or when the dog stole the foot when the shoe of Hadrian I, he, Julian and Christian were completely knocked out by cooking the food we had just bought in Beach Itaquera shop and think the Beatles, the first think I heard the Beatles, the Pine Beach, and many, many, many other things they have done and will be part of my life, I will bring having to get out of bed and live a little longer. Botarei music again. Now the volume a little lower, environment, and look for a new day, much better than today. A little rain and wind will push the clouds away and a cool breeze comes with the morning sun. The dinosaur will be gone. Moreover, neither think more on it. In the future, only this time, the dinosaur does not exist. There is never existed.
When you're out the door of my house for class, I remember that the computer is still connected to the internet because I forgot to turn it off this morning.
Before turning it off, erase it detected a virus.
lift up your head and see that I'm still there. Listening

Satwa at 05:29 am.