Monday, December 13, 2010

Cydia Source For Pokemon Silver

In times of tchutchucas, bimbo models and southern futile and superficial, I here a tribute to the most beautiful woman he has known that Brazil, the São Paulo model Adriana de Oliveira, who died of an overdose in Minas Gerais at the height of her fame and beauty, in the year 1990.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Disposable Plastic Cupcake Holders

That Yoko Ono to nothing: the real Messalina of Rock is Anita Pallenberg. Bone of contention between Jagger, Richards and Jones.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Litehouse Coleslaw Dressing Recipe

Far East where the sun rises and the world dies!

Where To Sell My Cell Phone Chargers

Yeah, I know I've been grim lately. Blame the coffee.

Slight Pain When Touch Cervix Early Pregnancy

soundtrack for what is happening in Rio

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Corvette Reproduction Wheel Quality

Arrebato (1979), Ivan Zulueta

After you, in its infancy, has completed its favorite sticker album, how long you stood contemplating each one? An hour? Two? Impossible to know? And all these figures, what you thought of them more real? Which soccer players or superhero you imagine coming out of those squares glued pages of the book, flying, dodging or releasing rays of their hands? In short, what all those little pictures made you most caught? Expanding a little question, and making the philosophical, all images of our lives are created by man or God, what images most relate to our memories, in a way that can be said to become a part ourselves? A St. Joseph holding a black baby Jesus in a white colonial church northeast, the pace and sophistication of a film of Pasolini, the colors of the Impressionist phase images of Kandinsky ... so strong and pervasive that, often, they take us altogether, leaving us in a state of deep contemplation.
From a much more visceral and metaphysics, that is the problem that the movie Snatch, conducted in 1979 by English film director Ivan Zulueta, will discuss and illustrate.

discovered this film in a way unusual. I was looking for music of rock groups of the Movida ("whirlwind" in English) was the nickname given to punk and new wave in Madrid in the early 80s. On YouTube, I found a song by Alaska y los Pegamoides titled "Bote de Colón " (which translates poetically as "Soap Powder Box"). All the lyrics merely a refrain repeated exhaustively that says "Quiero ser un bote de colon, y salir por la television advertising, Quiero ser un bote de colon, y salir por la television advertising. What satisfación be un bote de colon ".

The video accompanying the song is an excerpt from the film reviewed here.

surprisingly Scenes sophisticated and surrealistic, while games with excellent editing. I was curious, because I never heard of English cinema of that era that was not Almodóvar. Sure, Vicente Aranda and Carlos Saura still produced in that period, but they belonged to previous generations, the cinema had already been consolidated, politically left and thematically very English. The small free sample of Arrebato , translated into music video for the song new wave "Bote de Colón ," seemed to refer to a time most modern cinema of that country. From contemporary and bold, much like the Basque Generation of the 1990s and 2000s (Julio Medem, Bajo Ulloa, Alejandro Amenabar and Montxo Armendariz, just to name a few) .
The Basque but also living in Madrid Zulueta made a work of art imagery to the film Arrebato in 1979. Pedro Almodovar Cinematography by that time, the choice of lenses and speed is amazing, just like the interaction between films and 8 35mm, not to mention the performances and dialogue.

The film has an old-fashioned but accurate narrative in flashback. After a day of work in editing his new film, the filmmaker of trash horror set in Madrid José Sirgado car ride home to the Gran Via, the main artery of the English capital. On reaching his apartment, he gets the doorman of his building two stories that will guide the rest of the film's narrative: first, the arrival of a cardboard package, sent by Peter, a friend of Segovia that he did not via at least one year. And second, that Anna, his former girlfriend and actress in her latest film, the surprise return from his apartment that afternoon. Exhausted because of work and upset with the return of ex - who apparently had abandoned him after a serious fight - Joseph gets home, includes Ana asleep in his bed, takes a shower and opened the package from his friend Peter. Inside, there are two tapes: one tape, with images produced in Super 8, and other audio, where Peter's voice sound reels off a long letter, a monologue full of self-confession and depth, beginning a bizarre story that connects the two friends and his passion for the cinema. Throughout the film, the memories Pedro caught on tape are interspersed with the reunion of Joseph and Anna, permeated by sex, arguments, violence, heroin and cocaine. Never clear the real reason why Anna left him, but it is clear that Joseph is a man extremely rude and violent, and a flight without explanation on her part would be perfectly understandable and plausible. In the middle of their fights, they stop to hear the sound of Peter's letter to pieces, and will give account, as it reaches the end, that Peter wrote it with a very serious purpose.

With an age difference of some 5 to 10 years, the man made Joseph (played by Eusebio Poncela) and the young boy Peter (played by Will More) met by Marta (Marta Fernandez-Muro) cousin and friend of that color. Some years ago, Peter and Martha lived with an aunt of the two in a fifth country in the interior of Segovia, city median a few miles from Madrid. When Joseph, at the invitation of Martha, visited the home of two - in order to use the mansion as the set for his next film - Peter shows an enormous interest in the filmmaker, in a way that suggests homosexuality lightly. Peter, however, deeply eccentric and boy with a slightly whimsical, fed by Jose a strictly platonic attraction more than merely carnal. Like Joseph, Peter is fascinated by cinema and conducts amateur films on Super 8.
In only two times that José and Pedro meet in person - the first when Jose was invited by Martha and the second in Madrid that the filmmaker decides to visit his new friend on your own - Peter Joseph about to expose a strange condition that affects him every time he watches his own home movies. A state of near torpor followed by psychosomatic seizures worth of hard drugs, nicknamed him "Snatch." The great defect, the great bane of Peter are the images on film. They leave you sick and consumed, and yet he always seems to need more. And, somehow, Joseph also, though in a more timid and professional.
Peter symptoms are similar to a person who, for example, both admiring the painting a picture, develop the desire to be part of it. An escape from reality increasingly common nowadays. The only difference is that Peter suffers from this "desire" of a chronically pathological way, about to plunge into depression and cry while watching movies.

Some months ago, we learned in the second story of Peter, he is based in Madrid, conducting orgies and living life on the flute with the money from his aunt. In his spare time, he still shoots with a new device more modern Super 8, recently acquired. Peter realizes, however, that something has changed in the nature of "caught" that has been feeling lately, and this is what justifies the audiovisual correspondence addressed to Joseph If this happened, what he thinks will happen, from the findings that he was taken, Peter will need the help of his friend to look after their amateur films, if he will return no more.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fox Racing Iphone 3 Cases

New York, New York, The Big Apple

The sperm of Hip Hop. The egg was the sound system in Jamaica. Great guys!


Pokemon Ruby Hit Rare Candy

I do not know if I have the courage to continue writing, because in fact it is quite possible that I can not do this for a long time. I think I'm going crazy in the middle of this rotten world where bland and you can not really smell the people after a certain age.

Vegeta Upset Because Bulma Dies

This was a fleeting moment of paranoia.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why My Baby Tongue Is Yellow

Tu, rice, I shot the bag, full,
dry, raw.
Your future is piped cold water and fire. I simulate
up with spices, kiss your dull nouns.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Muc Hmoney For A Desert Eagle

School Spanish vanguard

Monday, September 20, 2010

Voice For Bounty Commercials

Banda de Ipanema

They are not eight o'clock, and Vieira Souto overflows.
Appearing in corners, empuleirada on poles and buildings, honking of cars and each other, shouting in several languages, women in all levels of the term.
As if the only explanation for the crowd that float around there was a Darwinian evolution. In a few minutes. From a monera abandoning its scales and gills and out of the sea, riding with fur, tail and nose, until you reach the edge of the legs, skin, stroll hairy, bronze, wigs, horns, clogs. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. Dresses, lipstick, flags and trance. And salivating
corners urine brought from all over the world.
It is as if the revelers were just colors filled with people.
not causing a fuss being caused by noise. These seagrass beds
the lost land of Atlantis which begin to ferment in the public square. Fish
pilot shark invisible, paraded in D flat. Semen
Blowing in the womb Chrome. High Tide in

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lower Stomach Hurts When Pressed

Not to say that I did not say Dawn

Doctor with books of dermatology at the bottom, explaining things to me with strange words. Smiling at me, but I realize that in her smile there is something wrong, something that seems out of place. Although I know little, I know doctors. Doctors in general. And I know how they react, the whole time they open in front of me, envelopes with my body inside.
I'm smiling too, but why can not I download my mask of calm and patience and show my real distress. I try to ask the doctor if the chances I die at 50 or 60 are great, but just can not! I would not know. He gives me some explanations that are relatively soothing, but with a perfume a bad omen. Basically, it tells me what I'm not serious. But he can come back. For all, he says, can come back. It is a day
semi-wet, with the breath of the late summer heat being dissipated by the cool breeze of early autumn. I go down to the lobby of the hospital Menino Deus, undecided whether to be relieved or not, and as the drizzle starts just when the automatic door closes behind me, I decided to take a taxi in José de Alencar. I wonder if the taxi driver pro money that I have leads me to my house and he makes me sign to enter. It's nice to see the wind of drizzle combing the canopy of the Navy, and then I recline in the back seat of the taxi, leaving droplets that enter the crack in the window dripping on me.
know what is worse? I know that many will respond "fear of dying." Of course not! That would be very exaggerated. After all, I'm only 30 years. And besides, it's nothing so serious. Nothing that an operating table and a scalpel not resolved. "Fear of knife, then, would be the second option. But neither is this. Did removal of an appendix operation at age 12. General anesthesia. The doctor missed one milliliter dose and nearly died. When my mother told me, after I wake up and cry after her, I just found it funny how even liked. From that day forward, had a history of male to impress my colleagues.
The worst thing is the sense of "small defect found in the system." I am no longer young and come from a family where people generally have a bull's health. But of course, with age, problems start to appear from nowhere, and I have smoked for many years, well, then it is up to a miracle that I only have "mild signs of mucus in the nasal cavity." Devo raise your hands to the sky. But still, when the doctor told me that it was necessary to take, because in many years it could grow into a tumor, I did not feel any better. I did not feel any better to know that from now on, I'll have to worry about taking parts of me so I can continue long.
The Internet has many forums talking about the lentiginous junctional melanocytic nevus. I know these forums can not be taken into confidence. Because it falls on the network has dubious provenance, in most cases. But almost all participants are doctors or medical students, and they are all unanimous in defining melanocytic nevus junctional lentiginous like a fucking pint. A sign in the epidermis, which appears, disappears and reappears from time to time. Also according to them all, such a nevus is benign (say I love reading and rereading the forums many times. "Benign," "benign," rewrite "benign" in all styles, from Renaissance to Impressionist, Cubist to! ), and then comes a euphoria not felt since last week (because both my euphoria and my depression last on average a week, and that's all I live, depression and euphoria) and I put music, open the blinds and smile (write me smiling, styles Renaissance to Cubist. Impressionist styles of the abstract!). In
chair where I sit, my whole body feels so one, but try to find him some sign. Or an internal pain. That point me defective. Just as is done with machines or dogs, but now I am. It's me! Almost think I want to find the defect, so you can at least get rid of the curse of the doubt. Suddenly all the pain I was feeling all week, before the verdict doctor, disappear, and I look in the mirror as if I were a painting. Beautiful, immortal, solidified. As if the mirror was a door to escape where my colors, which become ghost, forever.
After a while dancing the music on this day we do not know if it's cold or hot, I end up sleeping because I had insomnia the night before. I could not sleep, thinking what would happen in the medical encounter. And now I sleep and miss my work and college, because I deserve it.
The next day, however, I wake up, and the dinosaur was still there. Cold, cold, in the middle of my stomach. Or leftover morning of my nightmares. Huge, scary. And he will say "no good, my dear. One day you will die! One day, everyone will! Now it's just a pint, tomorrow ... who knows! Even if it's your own old age, your own stop working. And then this last hour, how will you behave? You gonna run to? Will you shake? Not good! No way! "
So I close my eyes again and try to think of something beautiful. Think of women. Women I met, I will think of sex I had with them. I think the time, Nelson and Elisa jumped in the pack of Excravos of Maua in 2004, the best of my carnival, when I think of the Julian and Fabian entered the cinema, UFRGS, surreptitiously, without pay, and smoked a joint in back row, and when I think of Thaise fucked in my mom's car, near the Cathedral, on a cold winter morning, and then I met her and kissed Bibiana first on the dance floor of the Yellow House, without even exchanging a word with her, dancing and just coming up, think of all the times I went through Botafogo bay on a sunny day, bus, or when I walked Silvestre to the Dona Marta Belvedere, so I stopped and saw that spectacular view, or when the dog stole the foot when the shoe of Hadrian I, he, Julian and Christian were completely knocked out by cooking the food we had just bought in Beach Itaquera shop and think the Beatles, the first think I heard the Beatles, the Pine Beach, and many, many, many other things they have done and will be part of my life, I will bring having to get out of bed and live a little longer. Botarei music again. Now the volume a little lower, environment, and look for a new day, much better than today. A little rain and wind will push the clouds away and a cool breeze comes with the morning sun. The dinosaur will be gone. Moreover, neither think more on it. In the future, only this time, the dinosaur does not exist. There is never existed.
When you're out the door of my house for class, I remember that the computer is still connected to the internet because I forgot to turn it off this morning.
Before turning it off, erase it detected a virus.
lift up your head and see that I'm still there. Listening

Satwa at 05:29 am.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kate Ground Real Estate

dinosaurs gone, or drops of blood on the skirt of tiger

had the time I was waiting for the bus in the morning after a party. About five years ago, more or less. There appears to me across the street a very mean-looking black man coming of the Holy House and two guys with a lot of playboys painted, each one embraced in a piranha, coming from the hells of the Vicar José Ignacio. I do not know why loads of water, one of PlayBar started yelling loudly pro Creole: "Ah, shit nigga bastard. Fuck off. Huhuahuahuahuahua. "And the nigger tri was pissed off wanting to go break playboy ass while the other, the friend of Playboy, the holding relied upon, trying to depart. It seemed that they had met somewhere. Because the choppy fight them there was mention of names and events which occurred nearby a few minutes before, as I could understand. It was as if that was the prologue to a fight that had already been in one of the hells. Perhaps because of women. Maybe the black man had gone mad and left early from the party, was strolling to smell a lolo at Independence, and then came back and had the chance to rediscover the antagonists.
It has claimed that Playboy laughed a lot and called the nigger all, "there, Popsicle tar, come take my cock in here, firebrand of shit, the rest fire huahuahuauha "

nigga's response:" look, ho bitch shit, if I meet you on the street again I'll break you ass "
playboy" who will break me beat, what, oh shit nigga. Hahahahaha "
nigger," then, my, just go to Sapphire Village (suburb of Porto Alegre) to you see what it is! "
playboy" What Vila Sapphire what, you think I'm such a poor place. .. your back to the shack, nigga shit ... huahauhauuha.

seemed that despite the evident fury, the black man knew he could not or should not, for some reason, the dismantling of beating the guy who was mockering. Even from afar, I could see that nigga had size and strength to dismantle the two one-handed, even if eventually solve the piranhas come up to scratch his face. So I thought that PlayBar might be armed, or something. And that nigga know that. I was
encagaçado. obvious. I thought it would be left for me, because apart from the florist that has banks under the overpass of Joao Pessoa and they no longer had a soul. I dunno, will that solve the nigger out on me.
Fortunately, the nigger was gone, and the piranhas PlayBar also, the bus arrived and I came home.

At another time, under the same overpass, had a brawl between whores. It was beautiful. They came to slapping and touching bricks there Vicar of Jose Ignacio (which has most of the whorehouses) and running until you reach John Person, where some others barricaded themselves against the attacking. I went near the flower stall and stood watching. Some guys came and departed. Maybe it was because of fighting man or because of point (which does not cease to be because of man, but towards the marketing concept). Just know that they screamed a lot, saying they would kill each other. After a calming of the passions, and the flat part of the fight for the pimps, two of them completely maimed, came walking towards me, crying a lot, with the makeup of the fifth category all smudged and dripping blood on the skirts of tigress. She had two boys waiting on the same bus stop I, half way to the Metropolitan Region of settlers. When they passed us, they had the brilliant idea to tease the whores (brains very privileged!) And said to them that if they give a hump, each would win two gift vouchers for transportation.
No more, no less, one of the bitches took a brick and hit the bag full of the two boys. They were one of the other side. The rock ricocheted and hit a in the other. He fell near me. They got no reaction.
Never tease a fucking vicar!

This is more recent: a couple of months ago, again waiting for the Night Owl under the viaduct of Joao Pessoa. They come two piranhas Vicar of Jose Inacio walking towards me. With some very short skirts and colored in brown girl. Come laughing because just emerging from a car that left them at the corner of Salgado Filho. After the car goes away, screeching, one gets a crush on the hot dog vendor, which is near the Peter Pan (classic Hellraiser night workers, transvestites and drug addicts from Porto Alegre). They buy (or win) a coca-cola it, and come by João Pessoa drinking from straw. Just when they stop to greet the florist under the viaduct (the same mentioned above) appears in the new car that had dropped in the corner (he had gone around the block to make the return) and passes them going away and taking a last farewell toot. They scream a 'bye' and excitedly coqueteiro for it (or them). Anyway, for those inside the car. Then, on the other side of the overpass, behind the stall Locksmith, and under a blanket of cardboard making times, you hear loud and good tone in the voice of a beggar, saying "shut up, bitch, I want sleep. "
Why?! They swear a lot beggar, sending him to son of a bitch. The beggar reciprocates. Anyway, the thing. But that's not hilarious, and yes, I'll tell you now: after the shack with the beggar, the whores are talking a little with the florist, ask of life, those things. Seem to know a long time. So when they say goodbye, one says to the florist that tomorrow will certainly be there again, for her friend (and points to the next friend) is "addicted to all the porters Salgado Filho." Then, from far, we hear again the voice of the beggar, saying "see? After not want to admit it's bitch. "
Honestly, I will not expect a degree of sobriety, observation and discernment on the part of a beggar to a point of it) after his protest against the piranhas, continue listening to them talk quietly and attentively 2) process the information given by them to the florist and 3) still be able to respond those brilliant. For me, drunken beggars were clueless of what they do or say. Almost as crazy. Starting today, I'll meet more beggars.
The whores were very angry, cursing him for a little while, and were again opposite to the beggar. The thing ever. Always.
After a brief moment of noise, silence returned to share his space with only distant murmurs of tire and engine.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Position Of The Cervix Before My Period

Ballad & bullet for carbon 14

One of the first things you taught me is to be accepted means to be protected. To be accepted means to be saved, cleaned from time to time. Carefully verified. Be accepted is to be. Be accepted is to be. Here, there, in various places. And that, obviously, has a price. Being accepted is also a dance music. The music. They put on the disc, every time I'm on their laps. Dance and sing the song running in the turntable. As they articulated at the Velvet Lounge. And dance to the music, finally, is being a coward. But to be cowardly It takes courage. And courage is not for everyone. Courage to kill them, either, that they accept me, if I kill them. They who are dancing on the Velvet Lounge, where you placed it. Poor things, do not blame them, are as much victims who are struggling. They are as much victims as I hear them talk you., his words that I fish, swallow, even if debate, when you, in my throat, and then the stool, these floating dead in a clogged toilet, will take apart my ass most of the my gut, too bad, I will surrender soon and now the work. The barrel of the gun sings in the cold night. The work. I present it, and I remember the old Hegel, with Transcendental Idealism by fleeing his one of his vertebrae. Everything, everything they talked about when I caught him spying on them in her lap. They gave me the bullets, not before I hide from them all I knew. All we heard swallowing dry quickly, as if they were small aspirin.
They told me you liked? Want more? So go there and kill him, no matter who, we just want to see blood, baby monkey circus. And now here I stand, no matter where I am a long time here, I do not have borne diarrhea, he walked to meet me through the busy streets. The work. Fedo and fart the dialectic, coming out of my ass, then I hear that a Cartesian who saw it all and called the police and therefore come fleeing back over here and now I'm fucked up, gone, gone. Cornered, I have to be quick, quick, quick. I point to my head, I grimaced, rujo he, too, know him or am I: And he speaks

you tomorrow am poor flower lyric Lazio last raven never more
heaven's sake do not shoot, look up, look at me, do not do this madness, you lost me long ago, a small part of me took me like a cancer, without notice, (such as cancer) but I loved then because you were a drain myself, I fear, deep down, he feared, never imagined it would come to go that far and you have been strengthening endo endo endo and I pretend that I
exploded thanks to you
but do not do it now, oh, do not, I know it's late, but no, no, do not Please do not fa ...
come, back, please, now I know you tame, you give your time, I swear, you baking at the right point
Boiling / when / ready / near

I open my eyes and stare. Well from the front in the mirror. Transcendental prayers outputs any language.

what was expected! Crying. Eyes closed. Speaking softly. With the trigger at the tip of the arm, that I do not know if it's mine. Pointed to his forehead: I will be brave? I will not have? More than one day crumble? Is there another way? Why do not you show me, then? You, who was so positive. Ideas that moved. That drove the neurons, which moved the muscles that moved your hands and your feet? I
! That would show me to places I killing me (no, not joking) a little in each.
They laughed with me in my lap, handing me the bullets, and me saying
Spectroman, this is the voice of the dominant, a monster ravaging the Bay of Tokyo. Go, Spectroman transforms you into the machine and destroys the creature.
And now, here I am, Creature! Who ordered it to be carbon-14? Only beings of carbon 14 are able to close my eyes and cry softly. I'm chromium, indestructible! An atomic bomb will fall and I remain! Amid the rubble, poke around for rats nest of cockroaches, but there is!
While you will fall! And not when the bomb comes, you fall now! And you thought we were both the same! Turns you on camera! What pretension! An Extension of Your Body, You tell me! Me playing in their laps, the five, I saw all this carbon-14 around me, all those molecules, which are born and die ... and live! And I, Gross, chrome. So inferior, so submissive.
Like it? They said? Want more? The answer is Hegel. Or Lavoisier, for who knows a little about this. Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything changes ... and this is your mission. The transformation. Become machine on, turns you into death. Your job.
And they carried me, and I cocked. The five, in the Velvet Lounge.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Why Do I Get So Many Pimples On My Scalp

Prevent cracks or crevices become b) Faggot

The desk is all fruit and pissed at him, nibbling. I? Holding me not to vomit at the entrance of my house. As I walked out late this morning, forgot to close the little window in the bathroom, and was probably there that he entered. Quick and agile, with that horrible tail. What I find most disgusting is a rat tail. Swaggering and tough, like an antenna, it gives the rodent an even more menacing than he already has by nature. The tail that walks through the kitchen counter is broken, probably in some street fight. And that caused the drops of blood he left on my floor, dishes and fruit that ate the rat and the piss with it and messed it all around to give my house this afternoon, a small hellish and surreal aspect. So it does not escape to the rest of it, quickly closing the kitchen door to the room and I think what to do. And that was a
victory, because no exception to the rule, I get no reaction to the presence of a mouse. I've always been so petrified of being, to have outbreaks. Just do not do fiasco because I was born a man, and since my earliest childhood my father told me to do something fiasco is not a man, but of:

a) Women and
b) Faggots.

"Women," I did not take me long to understand what they were: those beings around us, much like us, men, but more fragile, no hair, her voice thinner and smelling better. What I did not know, because my father had not yet explained to me, is that women also have other characteristics which, although not exclusive of them, are attributed mainly to the female condition, such as if they mask, they have longer hair and wearing jewelry. Besides, of course, wearing dresses.
dresses like those that Samantha wore me after school from kindergarten last year. Priscilla, the younger sister, was hitting Palminha and laughing as he finished Samantha put lipstick on me. A single mother of them worked all day, and the maid seemed to do nothing, but to watch all the drama of the 15 inch Globe that she had in her closet. That meant we had the whole house to play without anyone bother us.
As I was very small, and there was therefore aware of things, I did not mind having to wear dresses that Samantha and Priscilla made me use. For Dad told me that the difference between boys and girls is that boys had pinto, and girls, frog. Therefore, I have enough on my dick between his legs that was okay. Having my dick and do not faint because of rats.
Speaking of paint, after the two girls finished getting dressed, Samantha crouched in front of me and lowered my dress would put my mouth on her. When she did, the laughter of Priscilla grew, and mine too. One of the most wonderful feeling I've ever had in my life was having my little penis swallowed by Samantha when we came together and I Priscilla's maternal. I remember that at the same time that his teeth were giving me a little tickle and pain, his tongue behind them had the same consistency of cotton candy. Like she did me a kindness by wet and gelatinous I have had the courage to face, with my sex, teeth and Samantha managed to reach there. After a while the girl's warm mouth, I began to feel an intense itching, followed by spasms, and then Samantha sucked me even harder, until I see a strange feeling so hot about. At these times, I stop laughing and sobbing Samantha high to stop.
You must be wondering how I let that girl do that to me. You should understand that, as I said at that age I knew nothing of things, so little difference for me between Samantha would suck my dick or, say, my finger. I myself still sucked his finger, and certainly suck the dick, if he could reach.
Once, however, things went very badly. As I said, in addition to fellatio and dresses, girls spent lipstick on me. I ended up swallowing a little of it, and I had a severe intoxication. The girls, very frightened, they called the old housekeeper, who called his mother them, they called my family and I went to the hospital. He almost died at age five. When my parents came to visit me, asking for the room where I was hospitalized, they had a shock almost as great as the coma, know the way in which I arrived dressed.
see, my family was (and is) very religious and conservative. For my father, at least I'm pretty sure it was preferable to have died in that I eat that way embarrass the family. After I recovered from the poisoning, had not yet left the hospital bed, and my father and my mother came to a very serious talk with me. My mother told me that I do not I could dress like that I wore with Samantha and Priscilla, it was wrong in a boy. That what I have ended up in hospital was a punishment from God, that God was good, that God made girls and boys to be, each one, the way it should be. I had to redeem myself from my sins. And that, primarily, from that day, I was not going to see Samantha and Priscilla.
It fell upon me like the roof of the hospital room. I think, remembering the point of view today, I would rather have died in nearly comatose. My father, who was quiet and dark all the time, saw the dress I had been using, thrown over a chair in the room where the nurse had placed him. He rose from his chair, went to him, grabbed him and shook him in my direction. I was still dirty makeup smeared out by a wet cotton on the operating table. My father pointed to my face, very excited, and said:

- Look at you. You're like a fag.

And that's when I discovered the meaning of:

b) fagot.

The mouse now hides behind my stove. I hear noises and see him walking around my house. I know I'm never going to kill him or anything like that. It is very difficult to catch these animals to the nail, they are very smart and quick. My father told me that the only way to prevent rats entering their homes is put poison in all corners regularly. And never, he repeated, never leave a crack in the wall becomes a crack. My father was a skilled hunter of rats. He was not sick at all. Kill creatures - all animals, my father hated pests - with gun and then took them by the tail and threw them into the vacant lot at the end of our block. He learned to do this with his father in the town where he came from. And all men were like my family, though not with as much exaggeration as my father.
Soon after the encounter with Priscilla and Samantha, I started to give me very well with him, did not give me as before. Maybe to better monitor, or perhaps realizing that I was not paying attention enough (and why I behaved that way perverted) My father took me to "adopt". Being a real father. He took me to the playground and played all kinds of sports. I was just asking, that he provided: soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, everything. Taught me to run, taught me endurance under water and, especially, taught me to fight, punch, hold punch dodge punch, kick, tie, trailing. Some principles of jujitsu and karate, too. But I was not violent. Via the fight more as a diversion. Many people think that just because someone knows how to fight, that person is violent. But I was not even my father. He, my father became my best friend, and I became, or at least thought, a normal guy. Healthy, without those past problems.
When I reached puberty, my mother and my father stopped me manage both, thinking that I had overcome all that, forget the terrible incident of the past. Was almost healed, and brought the fear of rats (the only thing I still do not like my father, unable to hold a rat by the tail and throw it in the vacant lot), was a very macho guy.
And yet, I have not forgotten anything. Never could I forget Samantha kissing my balls and sucking my dick. OK, so my dick was small then, but Samantha's mouth too. In fact, about what, I did not feel sick. Or shame. Just nostalgia. Because after all, the problem was being dressed as a woman, is not it? That was hardly a girl blowjob a boy of seven to five? Gave up some pride. When, at fourteen, my eighth-grade classmates were talking about first kisses or lied about the first fucks, I always shuts up everyone's saying it had been five years blowjob to a girl two years older. It was really cool, and because of that I had a reputation for stud. I missed the gourd that year, even if, in fact. With a girl in my class named Lourdes. I played great ball and was getting nice. -Faced little man. It made me popular with the girls, who liked flirting with me. Then, in a birthday party for a colleague of ours, hunting came to tell me that Lourdes was to me. I went to her awkwardly, and without saying anything, I gave my first kiss. Two months later, we were dating, and as the mother of Lourdes was single and liberal, we could be alone in her room.
took a little to happen. I even think that Lourdes was more willing than I am. After that, we started to climb much. We were like rabbits: I did not want anything else. Lourdes took the pill for us not having to use a condom and then it was very good. Lourdes said I did good. She was not a virgin, had sex already with two or three guys before me, all older and more experienced than she. Therefore, Lourdes was not just a young girl dazzled by her first boyfriend, she had the authority to talk about sex. According to her, I had an abnormal sensitivity. She wanted to stay with me forever, and I obviously wanted to stay with her forever. It was my first love. My first female. More importantly, the end of fear that my father, my mother and even I had that I became a b) fagot.
We were together three years ago, preparing for college entrance. Lourdes and I were studying in the same prep school, in the city center, as well as most of our friends. Ali in the final, early December, had left a simulation of the feedback that we had all done in a famous prep school downtown.
I was in charge of passing the preparatory course, the answers get feedback and then redistributing them to my class that was studying the whole house hunting. I went into the prep school, I got to the wall where they were nailed to the responses of the simulation, and started copying them into a sheet of notebook paper. Anchored on a wall, had a guy with an official uniform prep school, a guy a little older than I, already looking like a university, staring at me. I stopped, stared at him and saw he did not look away, then decided not to establish if and continue copying. But he stopped looking at me, quite the contrary, came closer to me and said:

- It is amazing that after all these years you're like, Hugo.

I stopped for a moment and turned to look better for the guy who tava interrupting me like that and asked

- How do you know my name?

The guy, smiling a lot, looked me straight in the eye and told me

- Can not you recognize me, Hugo? It's me, Samantha.

His name is Felix. And he is beautiful. He has green eyes and blond mustache. It gives me a chill run your hand on your head and feel his brown hair and bristly. Its walking is rhythmic, synchronous with the movement of your shoulder and your hip. I'm not used to it, but I must admit that was a good while since I felt a warm touch as well, such as a contact Felix. Since I got out of prison. Since before then, anyway. This is one of the problems of being a lonely man: we are closed so that a simple creature as he narrowly missed snatching in the heart.
Oh, yeah, I could love Felix. I could get him off the streets, taking care of him and all his needs for years, until it wither and die and I cry in his grave. I could be the mother he never had. But no. Felix did not come here for my love. He already has it, somehow. Felix came here for a bit of hot blood in his mouth. Blood of dead rat. Felix jumps off the couch to the curtains, shaking her beautiful brown tail, and the curtain for one of the corners of my room, where just a mouse trap. I was careful to close all windows and doors. It's hopeless.
The mouse tries to escape from Felix, but this is faster and then throw it into the air with his legs, as if he were a shuttlecock, kills him with only one gear, holding it with his teeth, while the rodent squeals and kicking to death. After a while in this position Hunter, Felix release the mouse and walk through my kitchen, dirtying her blood (much, much more than the simple blood drops from my original surrealist scenario). Felix, accusing anything horrible that you just do as I, between disgusted and relieved, I wonder if the animals thought to realize what it means to kill.
guess, obviously, something they must feel when they kill. Lust, maybe. Like the ancient ancestors of these predators. Or guilt? No, do not say that. Not that I speak of feelings. I mean, an awareness of death. Death as we humans to rationalize. I'm sure it does. They must feel everything we feel and see and perceive, to kill a alive. Live, as we did. They also know that his body lying there will never arise. They know what is the end all, that is what should be avoided until it is completely unavoidable. And I'm sure that they, the animals, they know as much as we humans who impose such inevitability to be any other than yourself is a bad thing. Something very bad. They feel bad, they also feel the worm in the belly. I see it now in the eye of Felix. I see that it is not normal. It's not like was when he arrived here, excited, elated. As someone who desperately follows another one by a dark street, after a full day following him, and waiting a moment, an opportunity. Then the moment arrives, realizes that nobody is around, shoots two bullets from his revolver and then a snap in mind, the smell and color of blood, and finally says to himself "what have I done" and begins running aimlessly. But then it's too late. Guilt. The disorientation. Police sirens. The bullets arouse people looking out their windows. Someone recognizes you and soon you think. Two years of his life in prison, first in a smaller house, and then in a correctional institution. And that's because you're a good family. If not, much more! Now you're a loser. All your friends have left, you can not get a job anywhere. The feeling of worms in the belly you still travels. Do you still feel bad. And is not at least. You are bad!
Felix is \u200b\u200bnow exhausted. And me too. I call the guard at the parking lot where I work and say that the cat eats the remains of his lunch was stationed nicely. I'll give him a bath and take him back. He's too dirty to be delivered this way. The guard says that cats do not bathe at all, you'd better hope he is clean. Hang up the phone and I'm watching Felix begins to clear, while I remember my father saying, "to prevent entry of rats, the important is that cracks in the wall do not become cracks. "

Why Eczema Disqualifying Military


Philosophers tell us of Conatus. It is a concept that defines the seat for life, to stay alive. According to them, all living things have a greater or lesser extent, Conatus. As the herons fleeing lion, the frog's mouth twitching a snake. But in humans, this "seat" takes on monstrous proportions, since we are thinking beings, and therefore we think. We see our death. We know that one day it will happen and therefore our Conatus, and instinctive, it is also rational.
The religion is the most obvious manifestations (or consequences) of Conatus in humans. Hunger for permanence and eternal existence. The spirits, life after death, doom and all that.
And sometimes, all these concepts can hide in their essence, both escape as coping.
I say this without seeking paradox, because any confrontation carries some kind of escape, and brings along all escape an inevitable confrontation. Nothing is output. The stones are everywhere.
When someone decides to run away from life by spreading your brains on a roadside toilet or the rooftop of a building, that person may also feel facing death. And maybe even. Perhaps only the spirit to become suicidal because, as they choose how to "disappear," entailing a "stay." A conatus. The gesture becomes immortal, since we can not.
For me, almost every suicide is a face to shame.
I say, almost all suicide is "determined" to face a great burden of shame. And do not say the shame of not having won, he failed to tame life. No. It's a shame a lot less rational. It is the shame of seeing his blood on the floor. To imagine that others collect your body, your rest, then you're more responsible than him. Equals you feel the shame of your shit, your sex, your piss, your sneezing, your farts, they also hide. When you decide to open your filthy body so that all people look, disgusted, and that after the sick, the people will remember you with pity or scorn, is required much courage. Very detachment.
In the end, everything always comes back to our body. He is what carries us, thanks to him exist. No, Liege, I swear that this was not a joke. There
bodies and bodies, well you know, you should still remember. Bodies more beautiful, lined, trained bodies that reach almost to fly. Bodies that are prepared as springboards for the soul when the time comes of this jump skyward. Bodies such as yours. Dancing. Poster to the stage here tonight.

I arrived early for your presentation, but I was hiding in one of the urinals of the toilet, not wanting to cause you inconvenience. I prefer to let you finish your show, because I know that when I recognize in the crowd, you'll feel very embarrassed. Even if we both pretend to behave as if everything was okay. Commonplace. Even if you introduce me to his new friends with a touch of refinement and casual stripped. You probably got over these past years. On wheels for artists, intellectuals and aristocrats who you must have attended a lot. Artists, intellectuals and aristocrats.
Like them, whose voices I hear coming from the vent below the roof of the urinal. A couple. He, a deep voice and manly. She, a mezzo-soprano voice and melodious. They should be using, respectively, tuxedo dress and unique piece. He tells her that he enjoyed the last presentation of the City Ballet but who prefers to Sao Paulo. And she also says she thinks, but what she likes best are the operas. She comes over in ballet because of his mother, an old family tradition. Her daughter accompanied her mother on ballets. They laugh together. Maybe they have a romance, or maybe never be seen. Maybe they are your friends, Liege. Soon, when I rise, they are some of your new friends you present me, pretending he is very happy to see me again.
But deep down, deep down, you will avoid my eyes. And I'll be wondering how an embarrassment tonight that is so yours, among all these thy guests gala. Will be close to me, not for nostalgia and appreciation, but I did not make any faux pas. It will make room for me as if the room is a bomb waiting to explode. For thinking that if you give me some attention early on, I'll be gone soon. In fact, you'll think it's likely that I go away earlier. For people like me can not stay up later, is not it? We're like old people and children.
need someone, someone's always watching us. Not "be free". It is not "so easy". Go out and be happy. And when he is a loner like me, is even worse. One thousand and one worries about drivers, kids scrap, mechanical turners, used for everything that is possible.
These people who come to suck our blood, in the form of numbers unless the bank account. And you can never know if they are stringing you along or not. Sometimes it is better not know. It is better that they will not curl so you never know, because then at least you'll be able to plan your life always in sight of the worst. And by the way: oh, the worst! This may have been my fault, Liège When I saw only the stars with you by my side, and did not realize the hard ground, the ground that one day I dropped it.
not know where one began and another ended. In the rehearsal room, after all the school were leaving. Remember? The smell of cool, dry boardwalk where we danced and tradable whole night, alone with the lights on the gates of the old conservatory on. And then we felt the night from light by our bodies and seemed that we had not existed anywhere else out there, out of that room, out of those nights. Out of us.
may be that, because I'm now more desperate than ever, I'm confusing things too much and, indeed, they have never been. But what I can remember is that among our many conversations we had: to travel the world to study dance in Europe, and dream of being the greatest dancers from Brazil, we have our own school and et cetera ... We also we stayed for hours on end, upon the empty stage in the early hours, in comparison. Noting all the possibilities of union between my body and yours. Our bodies together in unity! I I remember you said we were one: not only in soul, like most enthusiasts, but also in body. At that time, I could still carry you on his lap. And I carried, and how! I remember (or want to remember!) That I was a superman, nor knew what death was when I held you, and little, in my arms. Was it anyway? Or am I, after all this time away from you (us) prefer to think that way?
Well, anyway, it was good while it lasted, and would (at least like) to see a bit of the old sparkle in your eyes (the one when you look me in love) when I meet you soon, at the end of your presentation.
But I know not. I know you'll look at me with a mixture of pity, anger and worry. Too bad, because it is not impossible. Look at me! Anger, for I come to ruin, once again, that your night. Your first night back in Brazil. Your first performance in Brazil, the European consecration why you fought so hard in recent years. The recognition that we have together dreamed ten years ago. And then I reappear as a ghost. You sure I can claim "miss", but of course you know not. What is much more than that. I still love you. And that leads, finally, concern. Because you do not want me to do part of your gift. I do not fit more in your present. Reappear just like that, with this love my old and obsolete. This love was just for me, for you and your newfound greatness does not fit him anymore. You will always find that I'm back, so why not forget you. Because I can not control what the longing that one day I went over you. And it's true. It is just that. I can not deny, because here I am. Most important: that the way I am! That way I have been in recent years. And in part, because of you, because it was you that left me.

hear a knock at the door nervous I'm in the urinal hidden and crack open. I open and I came across another wheelchair, looking at me was ugly.

"Hello, mate," he tells me, "Sorry to bother you, but that's the only bathroom for the disabled."

I think for him to say that I am not your "friend". Ten years ago, when I could still use my legs, I could give a grand jetée above your head!

"Sorry I'm in here a long time, even"

"Blame it on the Theatre," he answered, "they should put more seats for our condition, is not it?

I make a nod and go pushing the wheels of my chair through the bathroom door. The moment I leave the bathroom, get the applause for you, Liège